Monday, December 17, 2012

The Annual Neighbourhood Gingerbread Build - This year...Harry Potter!

Each year my friend Dianne...lovely, brave, self-less Dianne....has a gingerbread party and invites a number of (ultra-competitive) women together to drink wine, eat yummy food and compete to see who can build the 'best' gingerbread house.  Well, there are no actual prizes...only self-proclaimed winners...but some incredible details that would blow your socks off.  Miniature lights, trees, skating rinks, Russian tea-house name it.  Each year these lovely women start drawing up blueprints around March and work, and re-work their masterpieces before coming in for the kill in December.  It's so much fun.  And lovely Dianne is the hostess above all hostesses....a beautiful lunch, ready-made gingerbread houses for everyone (you just have to bring your candy), icing tubes prepared, a beautiful smile and take home shortbread.  I LOVE being a guest, but it sounds like torture as a hostess!  Where's the fun in that?  She is obviously a better person than me...So cheers to Dianne and to my loveable neighbourhood competitors!

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