Sunday, September 8, 2013

8 Simple Rules for Feeding Yourself at University...

My initial motivation for starting this blog was to have a way to convey recipes to my kids when they one day (sniff, sniff) move out of our nest and out on their own...well it's happening.  The oldest is off to university and although he is quite capable and accomplished, the Mom in me can't help but feel nervous that he won't eat properly, won't take care of himself's a 'Mom-thing'.

Z has decided not to stay in residence for his first year, so he will be in an apartment with his buddy and  I am trying not to imagine the mess or the state of the gives me hives.  He will also be far enough away that there will be no 'zipping home' for a weekend meal or quick visit.  Waaaa!

So, in an effort to exert some control over a situation over which I have no it is...8 simple rules for feeding yourself at university.  I'm sure he will be studying this daily, so there is no need to worry...(sarcasm).

Drum roll please...

1)  Try to eat protein and complex carbohydrates at every meal...What are they, you ask?  Put very simply...

Proteins:  Meat, poultry, fish/seafood, eggs, beans/legumes, cheese, greek yogurt

Complex carbohydrates:  veggies, fruit, whole grains (whole grain bread, bagels, pasta), brown rice

Just try to pick one from each group every meal and you will be on the right track.  Remember that fresh is always better, but if keeping fresh veg and fruit in the fridge is problem...then go for frozen next and then canned.  Frozen is better because there are more nutrients and fibre in frozen food.

2) Drink lots of water.  Yes, tea and coffee count, but water is best.  You should be trying to drink 8 glasses a day.  If you carry a water bottle around with you, you will drink a lot more...guaranteed.

3) Don't skip meals.  You'll find you will become really hungry and reach for stuff that is not good for you more often if you skip meals.  In particular, eat breakfast.  You'll be smarter for it!

4) Aim for simple recipes to increase the likelihood that you will eat at home rather than eat out.  I'll be posting some ideas here.

5) Buy pre-cut veggies or fruit...they don't last quite as long, but you are more likely to use them if you don't have to do too much prep. Just stir fry with chicken or beef strips and add a jarred sauce at the end and voila...stir fry dinner.  Similarly, pre-made rice or potatoes that you pop in the microwave are also acceptable and will go well with your stir fry.

6)  Take your lunch.  Even if it is just throwing left overs in a bag, or fruit with pita and hummus...stuff you don't have to 'make'.  It is going to be better and less expensive than eating from the Student Union Building every day.

7)  Stock good snacks to avoid the late night pizza call or poutine run...

8)  Tupperware...Rubbermaid containers...plastic sandwich bags....these are the vehicles to portable, nutritious meals...without them, it will not happen!

Mothers of university students unite...we are all in this together and they will be FINE!  Really.  I know this.  I believe this....

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